Making Much Of Jesus - In Our Relationships
“Making Much of Jesus in Our Relationships." By Zack Morgan
This sermon is part of a series aimed at exploring how we, as followers of Jesus, can emphasize the presence of Jesus in various aspects of our daily lives. Today’s sermon discusses the importance of relationships between believers and the church community as a whole.
Key points from today’s sermon include:
1. **Christ-Centered Relationships**: Relationships within the church should be centered around Christ, not just adjacent to Christian activities. Hebrews 10 illustrates how relationships should encourage love and good deeds and maintain regular fellowship.
2. **Honoring Relationships**: what great importance it is to honor one another, as Paul instructs us in Romans 12:10. This involves believing the best in others, celebrating their victories, and recognizing the work of God in their lives.
3. **Honest Relationships**: finally, honesty is needed in our church relationships. We must encourage one another to be open about our struggles AND victories. 1 John 1 highlights the importance of walking in the light and having genuine fellowship. How can we have a Christ-centered relationship when it’s predicated on hiding from one another?
Today’s sermon concludes with a call for Sojourn to be a welcoming, safe, and honest place. It is ultimately focused on making much of Jesus in our lives and in the lives of those around us.