Journeying with Jesus, together.
"As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Abide in my love." John 15:9
Life with Christ is a journey, and Christ has called us into that journey together! As Christ work in our lives, that overflows into the lives of those around us. Together, we grow and become the men and women that God has made us to be: people of joy, peace, love, and wisdom. Sojourn Students is a place where we learn that path together, walking alongside Christ. Come by and join the family!

Sojourn Students on Sunday Nights!
6 - 7:30 PM | The Gathering on Main St.
Come Hangout with us on Sunday nights for fun, games, scripture, and community! During this time, we learn what it means to live our lives with Christ and experience the daily joys of being caught up in the Gospel story.
Community Groups
Get Connected. Go Deeper.
Community groups aren't just for the adults! Become part of a family of people that love you and are dedicated to helping you grow. We need each other! God's made you in such a way that other's need you in their life and you need them! Discover the joy of doing life with other believers by joining a community group!