If you wish to give stock gifts to Sojourn Woodstock by electronic transfer, please give your broker the following account information:
The mailing address for donations is
Fidelity Investments
Name: Sojourn Community Church Of Woodstock
Routing Number: 101205681
Account Number: 39900000740341958
Name: Sojourn Community Church Of Woodstock
Routing Number: 101205681
Account Number: 39900000740341958
8816 Main St., Woodstock, GA 30188.
If your broker needs any information from us, please have them contact Danel Lins at (970) 461-9092.
In order for us to give you proper credit for your contribution, please notify us of the number of shares and the name(s) of the stock(s) you are transferring. Your gift will be acknowledged on your annual contribution statement. Email may be sent to danel@sojournwoodstock.com.